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🔧 Installation

📦 Go package

We have a Go package published, so run this command to add it to your go.mod:

go get

🐧 Linux

You have to have X11-dev-packages and C compiler installed.

🖥️ X11

On Debian and derivate distributions like Ubuntu and Linux Mint the xorg-dev meta-package pulls in the development packages for all of X11.

sudo apt install xorg-dev libasound2-dev gcc

On Fedora and derivatives like Red Hat the X11 extension packages libXcursor-devel, libXi-devel, libXinerama-devel and libXrandr-devel required by GLFW pull in all its other dependencies.

sudo dnf install libXcursor-devel libXi-devel libXinerama-devel libXrandr-devel alsa-lib-devel gcc

🍎 Mac

You have to have Xcode command line tools installed.

📝 Xcode

xcode-select --install

🪟 Windows

You have to have a C compiler installed. You can also use WSL, if so follow the Linux instructions.

Download Go from the download page and follow instructions.

Install one of the available C compilers for windows, the following are tested with Go and Fyne:

  • MSYS2 with MingW-w64 -
  • TDM-GCC -
  • Cygwin -

In Windows your graphics driver will already be installed, but it is recommended to ensure they are up to date.

The steps for installing with MSYS2 (recommended) are as follows:

  1. Install MSYS2 from
  2. Once installed do not use the MSYS terminal that opens
  3. Open "MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit" from the start menu

Execute the following commands (if asked for install options be sure to choose "all"):

pacman -Syu
pacman -S git mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain

You will need to add /c/Program Files/Go/bin and ~/Go/bin to your $PATH, for MSYS2 you can paste the following command into your terminal:

echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/c/Program\ Files/Go/bin:~/Go/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

For the compiler to work on other terminals you will need to set up the windows %PATH% variable to find these tools. Go to the "Edit the system environment variables" control panel, tap "Advanced" and add "C:\msys64\mingw64\bin" to the Path list.